Beautiful Blooms Watercolor Workshop
Create your own floral bouquet in less than an hour (even if you haven't played with watercolor before)!
Here is what you will learn:
-The 3 things I use to create lovely watercolors (it isn't hard to design your own watercolor designs!)
-The exact colors to use to create paintings that "sing" (Hint: I use fewer colors to create palettes that harmonize. I'll teach you what colors to use!)'
-Paint a complete floral watercolor in less than an hour (minus the dry time).
$29 for the Beautiful Blooms Course!
What's included:
-How to plan the painting: how I pick flowers, choose the design and what to focus on
-How to sketch quickly (I'll show you how to avoid overcomplicating the sketch and design process!)
-How to mix colors and paint with ease
-Add another detail work with pens IF you want to (I'll share the before and after.
I have loved all things flowers for most of my life, but I didn't start painting flowers with focus until a few years ago.
I'm excited to share my informal, casual style of painting lovely flowers.
You can create gorgeous florals without going to art school!
So excited to paint with you. See you in the workshop :)
$29 for this workshop.