The Christmas story is a wild story.
The story weaves through the centuries.
Dashed dreams, romance and intrigue, escapes, divine encounters, run-in's with angels, run-in's with malevolent kings and run-in's with neighbors our protagonists probably hoped they'd never see again.
The characters that make up the Christmas story are the unseen and the unnoticed, the grand and the great. The sophisticated are smooshed right up with the simple.
The story of Christmas is brilliant and beautiful, wild and wonderful. When you peel back the layers and sit in the story, you can't help but marvel at how anything good came out of it at all. Pain and heartache, silence and fear, loneliness and love, dreams lost and weirdly rediscovered.
And hope springs up, just a little bit at a time, with every twist and turn, the kind of hope that refuses to be snuffed out no matter how hard things get.